Why we should not use plastic?

Plastic can pollute the air and water because
they are so light weight, plastic bags can travel long distance by wind or
Plastics are made from non-renewable resources
and contribute to climate change. The majority of plastic are made of
polythene, Polypropylene, a material that is made from petroleum and natural
gas. Petroleum based
plastic do not truly degrade. Plastics are harmful to wildlife and marine
life. Plastic bags and their associated plastic pieces are often mistaken for
food by animals, fish, birds and sea turtles. Plastics are harmful for human body.
Quotes about Plastic:
Never goes away
Spoils our groundwater
Attracts other pollutants
Piles up in the environment
Poisons our food chain
Affects human health
Threatens wild life
Cost billions to abate
By : S Vaishnavi
IX Standard
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